Saturday, April 14, 2007

Almost over.

489 presentations are on Monday. 489 is my capstone. It's kind of a big deal.

If you're reading this, you should probably come. Monday at 12:30 in the Varsity Theater. It's an ad campaign that my group assembled for Spore, a new video game by EA. The folks from EA are flying in for the presentations.

Also, our presentation is going to be rad.


Now, some late-night rambling.

I've put so much into this project over the last semester (and the last few weeks) that I'm not sure what I'll do with myself when it's over. My other classes are pretty much over. I think, mostly, I'm going to sleep.

My group for the project has been unreal. I had no idea that any ten people could dedicate themselves to something in this way. And they've got skills. Man, they've got the skills. I kneel humbly before their advertising prowess. They make me look way good.

In a month my friends and I are going to be sprinkled throughout some of the most prestigious agencies and brands in the country, just like we've dreamed of. I think most of us have accomplished more in school than we expected. I know I have.

And the fun part is that it all starts over again—except it's not school this time, it's the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Brooklyn said...

Thanks for this post. Made me a little less scared about it.