Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My next project.

It bothers me that the days of the week don't go in alphabetical order.

Exhibit A:

We only have seven days of the week, and yet we double two of the letters already (two T's and two S's). We sometimes compensate by doing a two-letter abbreviation (Th for Thursday) but often we go for three letters (Thu), four (Thur), or everything before the "day" part (Thurs), just to make sure we distinguish the days correctly. Think of how much easier it would be if they were alphabetical.

Exhibit B:

Which brings me to another point. I'm tired of pretending Sunday being the first day of the week. Monday is very clearly the first day of the week, and the weekend comes after the work week is over. So, under the new model, instead of saying "We're open M-F 8-5," you would say "We're open A-E, 8-5," which is way more intuitive.

Here are my proposed names for the new days of the week:

I hope we can get this implemented soon.


Ronnie said...

Thank Gormin it's Erasmus (TGIE)

becca said...

super belnap.

becca said...

ash cellophane.

becca said...

taco belnaps at del taco.

becca said...

superbowl gormin.

becca said...

fat belnap. gosh, there're a lot of belnaps.

Emily said...

I love that Friday is the new Saturday. And that Wednesday keeps its status of day-with-the-longest-name.

Brooklyn said...

I was secretly hoping you would actually name them. I would have started throwing suggestions at you the other day if I hadn't been working. Good job.

Jenn said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one bothered by this. I vote yes on all proposed options. Though, now that I live in California, I worry that Gormin could get confused with Gorman.