Sunday, December 31, 2006

Out with the old.

The clock rolled over to midnight a few minutes ago, and a new year began. It's not going to make a lot of things different--mostly I'm going to be writing the wrong year on things for a while. The change is enough, though, to mark a time to reflect.

I'm the kind of guy that is never satisfied to be living in the present, and instead dedicates all his attention to where he'd like to be in the future. And yet, when I find that I've moved into the future I've been blessed way beyond what I'd hoped for before, and I realize how low I'd been aiming before. I've been so blessed. And a year ago, I'd have never thought things would be going so well for me now.

I'm grateful for a lot of people and what I've learned from them. It's tradition to list those people, and I know that I always read those lists carefully to see if I've made someone's awesome-people list. I'm pretty sure I'd leave someone off, though, so rest assured that if you're reading this blog then you'd have been included, and if you feel that you deserve a special dispensation above other less-important people, then pretend that I've also noted that here.

I'm not the kind of guy that says this kind of thing well, or often enough, but thanks. Thanks for being who you are and doing what you do for me.

1 comment:

LJ said...

Happy New Year. You're on my awesome people list.