Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And now, an art project.

I used some Christmas money to upgrade my screenprinting equipment, to make t-shirts. To be clear, the Cecil shirts are printed by a company in Pleasant Grove; this is stuff to make shirts myself, which turns out to be a huge kick.

Here's the maiden voyage. I made these for my family, as well as my uncle's family, who I lived with this summer:

The setup was a lot of work. It turns out that photo emulsion is a pretty involved process, but it does allow you to get a lot of detail. Before I was cutting out stencils with an xacto knife, so this was a huge step up. Once it was set up, though, it was really easy to run off a million prints. The only inhibitor at that point is cost. What I think I'll do in the future is let people know when I'm running shirts, and anybody that wants to get in on it can just bring a shirt and chip in on ink. I was so stoked at how fast they went when everything was set up.

The other fun part was that to cure the ink, it has to get up to 300 degrees. I solved this problem by personally baking each one of these shirts, in my mom's oven, at 300 degrees.

These pictures don't do them justice, either. They turned out really nice.

1 comment:

Petra said...

Those look great. Maybe I'll call on you to make me the T-shirt I really want: "Real Women Use Pen."

(That, or "Aposiopesis makes me want to...")