Thursday, February 22, 2007


Here're some things I've been meaning to scan and post for a while.

This is a magnet that came stuck to our phone book. It's for a plumber, and it's now on our fridge.

This is the interesting part, though. I don't know what "punctural" means, but it doesn't sound like something I'd want a plumber doing to my pipes.

Also, for your reading pleasure, here's my first-ever issue of the newsletter of the Bacon Lover's Club. Click on it for a larger, readable version.

It enchants me to no end that it has a picture of the curemaster on it. Awesome.

1 comment:

Patrick L said...

All true Bacon Lovers must search for a video on youtube about this wonderful meat. Type in Bacon and The State. You should find it. Let the hilarity ensue