Your fly would NEVER be open. In the act of buttoning the top button, your fly would just close. And the button would keep it from accidentally pulling open, or anything. No stuck zippers, no series of buttons to button, just pure fly-related confidence.
- The sound, when you open it.
- Velcro has to be topstitched, but they could cover up the stitches. I'm not too worried about that.
- The lint accumulation problem. I've never personally had this problem, but it would seriously damage my fly-is-never-open argument.
- It would have to be very flexible velcro, so that it wouldn't be too stiff in such a crucial area. But jeans are fairly stiff anyway, so maybe it's a moot point.
So? Would you?
I once had a pair of board shorts with a Velcro fly. I emphasize fact that I said that in the past tense. Using the facilities as a man does, the Velcro fly makes the experience more painful than I would like to verbalize. Moral of the story: Yes I did and I will never do it again.
I owned shorts with a velcro fly. Zack is correct, the bathroom turns into a danger zone. Also the velcro is fairly stiff and doesn't like to lay flat. I am going to
Yes i would but that's because I never deal with the fly. I usually get short and pants that I can put on without dealing with the fly, so I wouldn't notice too much.
No. The stiff fly would be a constant problem. Also the dabger zone comment sounds spot on. From here, a solid no.
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