Sunday, August 06, 2006

Things I Like More Than Other People*

  • Fig Newtons
  • Bacon
  • "Dr. Feelgood" by Mötley Crüe

* I've had plenty of opportunity to change the title of this post, and I've declined it. What does it mean? Does it mean I like these things more than I like other people? Or just that I like them more than other people do? That's purposely left vague here, for you to discern. I appreciate things that are representative and symbolic, and this is one of those things. Perhaps you fill in the details with experiences from your own life. Perhaps an optimistic or pessimistic view of life at the moment colors the words you read. Perhaps you know me well, perhaps you don't. Does the fact that there's not many items on the list affect your decision? Or how about the quality of items on the list? Have you considered that the author himself may not have a clear answer? Perhaps all intepretations are correct. It's like a Rothko, or that big Yves Klein piece up in the SF MOMA. If it's going to mean something, it's up to you. I'll give you a hint, though--you're probably right.

1 comment:

austinmcraig said...

I very much thought you meant you liked them more than you liked other people. The other meaning didn't occur to me until you pointed it out.